Monday, September 20, 2010

Blame it on the Blog

Once upon a lazy Saturday, I so conveniently stumbled upon Kelly Framel's blog, The Glamourai. With a rather lengthy list of to-do's in mind, I had only moments to get my fashion-fix before snapping myself back into reality- but something rather strange happened. My clock had somehow jumped forward 2 hours and there were multiple tabs open on my browser, displaying words like, "vintage-inspired" and "1920's clothing". When my fiance' asked what the crap I was doing, I blamed it on her...

With over 5,000 blog followers, you know that there is something to love about The Glamourai. She is a Vintage addict and accessory master, which gives me reason enough to adore her- but there's something else that sets her apart from the other thousands of vintage-clad fashionistas and keeps me following. Kelly Framel's fashion creations are masterful works of fine artistry. Not to mention the fact that we share a sometimes, overly-obsessive eBay dependency.

So can you blame me for the consistent Pay pal hits to my bank account, or for the fact that local thrift store owners and I know each other by first-name? No, no- I am simply seeking inspiration from a girl who's heart, is like that of my own. It's just too bad that I could never pull-off that adorable haircut.

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